Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I know I'm a little late but just answer me this...If you had to decide between the following, which would you choose?...

- Chocolate or mud?

- Flowers or Grenades?

- Good health or STD's?

- Warmth and sunshine or blizzards and gloomy clouds?

- A sweet playful puppy or a possum with rabies?

- A swim in a warm, clear ocean with beautiful fish and coral or a swim in cold, scary, dark, shark infested waters?

- Eating a delicious feast or starving to death?

- A sweet, loving, complimentary spouse or a dirty, untrustworthy, abusive spouse?

- A super cute, fit body or a flabby, over weight, cottage cheesey body?

- Happiness or depression?

- Life or death?


...the decision was a no-brainer Jake.


walkintheclark said...

i'm confused.. is this from the bachelor or something??

walkintheclark said...

ok answered my own question.. false alarm.

Angeleah Bertoldo said...

hahaha, i love this! life or death. he's screwed.

Justin and Michelle said...

You are hilarious! uggghh...still can't believe it!

lauren said...

HAHAHAH hilarious!! umm we have yet to hang out and i'm a little upset about it!

Tanner and Andrea said...

yah, been there done that.

ana said...

disneyland princess or "the queen of garbage, the queen of filth, the queen of putrescence?" booo booo Jake!